6th Grade
Courses & Curriculum
English and Language Arts
Reading Wonders – McGraw Hill
Close Reading of Literature Skills:
a. Genre
b. Story Structure
c. Theme
d. point of View
e. Cross-Text Comparisons
Close Reading of Informational Text Skills:
a. Text Structure
b. Main Idea/Key Details
c. Author’s Point of View
d. Cross Text Comparisons
Independent Reading/Writing/Integrate Writing Skills:
a. Prepare for discussions
b. Ask and answer questions
c. Analyze a writing model
d. Focus on revision assignments
e. Set up a writer’s notebook
f. Research and inquiry
g. Text connections
h. Write about reading
Placement/Diagnostic Assessment Skills:
a. Fluency
b. Comprehension
c. Phonics
d. Vocabulary
e. Spelling
f. Writing
General :Allah-Centric Model
Like other disciplines, Science is a tool to discover Allah’s creation on earth and the universe in order for us to glorify Him.
All creations are purposefully created by the sole creator: Allah. We might not know these purposes but that does not mean that they are meaningless.
Adam and Hawwa were the first humans on Earth created by Allah.
Humans are classified as living organisms and they have a special rank. Similarities in cell structures, organs, or systems are through the wisdom of Allah but they are not classified as animals.
Grade 6th PASS (Oklahoma)
Matters are classified by their physical and chemical properties.
The Milky Way is heliocentric not geocentric
Energy is transferred in a living ecosystem via a food chain.
There are 2 types of known electricity: static and electric current
Water covers the majority of Earth.
Design and critique experiments.
Use SI units in all measurements.
Classify objects based on physical and chemical properties.
Communicate effectively using scientific notations and terms in oral and visual presentations.
Design and critique scientific data presentations: graphs, pie charts, and tables.
Use laboratory equipment such as balance, metric ruler, graduated cylinder.
Social studies
McGraw Hill
Discovering World Geography – Western Hemisphere
Literacy Skills Standard 1: develop/demonstrate Common Core Social Studies Reading Literary skills
a. Key Ideas/Details
b. Craft/Structure
c. Integration of Knowledge/Ideas
d. Range of Reading/Level of Text Compatibility
Literary Skills Standard 2
a. Text Types/Purposes
b. Production/Distribution of Writing
c. Range of Writing
Content Standard 1: analyze data from a geographic perspective using the skills and tools of geography
Content Standard 2: examine the human/physical characteristics of the major regions of the western hemisphere
Content Standard 3: examine the interactions of physical systems that shape the patterns of Earth’s surface in the western hemisphere
Content Standard 4: analyze the world’s peoples and cultures in the context of human systems in western hemisphere
Content Standard 5: analyze the interactions of humans and their environment in the western hemisphere